About Us

09:57 Alyson 0 Comments

I would like to say I have always been a globe trotter, although I do not think that is true. I was a casual traveller; I had taken some trips out of Texas but I hadn't dreamed of travelling.

During college, I made a tour of the British Isles with my sister and grandparents. I remember the moment - after walking down the Royal Mile, admiring the cobblestones and glancing back towards the castle, we found a park and sat in the grass to eat our croissant & chocolates.  It was easy, relaxing and it just felt so right. My AHA moment. During that trip, I fell in love with Edinburgh, but even more so I fell in love with that feeling you get when you visit a place, find a new experience, get caught up in a new way of living and picture how your life could be different (for better or worse) in a new place.

After that, I was hooked. Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belize, Turks & Caicos, Italy and Greece with my husband and almost constant travel companion. I realised that just visiting wasn't enough for this travel junkie anymore. Just visiting didn't allow you the true opportunity to explore and fall in love with everything about a city.

Then, Paul was offered a job - in Istanbul, Turkey. We decided to grab the opportunity by the horns and soaked up every moment (and ray of sunshine) in our time in Turkey.

One year later, the tides turned and we found ourselves in England. Perhaps the exact opposite of Turkey with its cloudy, rainy days, and English language, we still enjoy finding the differences between our new home and both our old homes.

This is the chronicle of our life - a diary to myself perhaps, to remember those little details you tend to forget later on; a diary to you, my readers, to help you tread the waters of travel or expat life, or perhaps just find a few ideas for your travel bucket list

How did a Fort Worth lassie and Houston cowboy find themselves in Turkey? (and no, we don't mean Turkey, Texas). A little bit of luck and a big whirlwind of change.

We had talked about moving overseas for a while - I was ready for a change and a new adventure.  I thought, how vogue to be living in London or Sydney or Edinburgh (notice all these places speak English!).

Enter in a recruiter with an opportunity for Paul in Turkey.  I said sure, why not!  Two weeks later, Paul interviews, one week later, they fly us out to Turkey.  One month later, Paul is headed overseas.


The goal of moving was a place with history and character. You can't get much more history than Turkey/Constantinople/Ottoman Empire.  I love learning the history of this area, then travelling somewhere new and seeing the influence that my new home had in areas all over the world. And as challenging as it is to live somewhere you do not speak the language, I now realize it could not be a true cultural experience without it. We may not come out of this speaking fluent Turkish or loving Turkish coffee, but I can say we won't come out of it the same.